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Synergism Between Alcohol and Other Drugs Dependencies

Synergism denotes when two drugs are taken parallel to produce a high and multiplying effect. It could be prescription drugs with alcohol street drugs with prescription drugs, and so on. The amalgamation between alcohol and other drugs amplifies the dangerous effects, and it may be superadditive of each drug and produce – synergistic or antagonistic Usually, users impulsively mix drugs either in search of a better kind of high or become intoxicants with lower inhibitions.

What are Synergisms?

Detox Center Florida defines – Synergisms are akin to potentiation. When two drugs are used that have a similar effect and produce high in action, the effect will be amplified compared to when each of the drugs is consumed separately and the type of effect it gives. When used in combination, drugs interact in unexpected ways and elucidate a plethora of outcomes.

For example, Mixing two depressants – alcohol and heroin – can have high effects as they both are intoxicants. Alcohol can be lethal when they are blended with certain amounts of opioids. Unexpected side effects and more significant impairment are some of the common symptoms a person will experience. Also, when mixing energy drinks with alcohol might have similar synergistic effects on your body.

Some combinations could be alcohol with CNS depressants or alcohol with barbiturates, prescription painkillers, tranquilizers, and other street drugs, which can prove fatal. Sometimes, dealers mix illicit drugs, like heroin with potent opioids, which results in sudden overdose deaths in a shorter span.

When mixing two recreational drugs or medications with alcohol, the person is likely to develop dependency or addiction when combined. Synergisms develop a dependency, and the person is inclined more toward it to create a new euphoric high. People don’t realize the risks and serious health problems associated with abusing multiple drugs.

Some Commonly Mixed Drugs

  1. Alcohol and Cocaine
  2. Alcohol and Marijuana
  3. Alcohol and Ecstasy
  4. Alcohol and Adderall
  5. Alcohol and Valium
  6. Alcohol and LSD
  7. Amphetamines and Benzodiazepines
  8. Heroin and Fentanyl
  9. Xanax and Molly
  10. Xanax and Valium
  11. Over-the-counter painkillers with alcohol

What are the effects of Polydrug abuse?

As per Addiction Center Florida, some of the common possible effects are :

  1. Mixing one drug can interfere and reinforce the effect on the brain reward system. However, introducing two drugs can produce a mixed boost to the reward system, and additive or synergistic effects occur.
  2. A surge in a person’s heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure would lower precipitously, leading to a fatal overdose.
    There would be a higher chance of panic attacks or becoming nauseous.
  3. Impaired cognitive function, physical withdrawals, respiratory failure, and body aches are some of the other associated effects.

The deadliest synergisms are heroin and cocaine which intensify the oxygen level and suppress respiration. The blend of two incredibly potent drugs puts users at high risk of overdosing and even fatal.

How can it be treated?

Withdrawal and treatment may vary greatly and can be a problematic process. At Aloha Detox Addiction Center Florida, we have an outpatient treatment facility to treat co-disorders associated with substance, mental health, and abusive disorders. We can tailor treatment as per your needs and lay the groundwork for your new life towards recovery. If you or your loved one needs help.

Call us now – 888-892-5642 or for more information enquire us at